How to go Beyond Body and Mind? by Osho.

आप पूरी तरह से खुश होने में सक्षम हैं, लेकिन तब मन नहीं हो सकता। इसे इस तरह से लें: यदि आप नीचे गिरते हैं और सिर्फ एक शरीर बन जाते हैं, तो आप खुश होंगे। फ्रायड भी इससे सहमत था। यदि आप नीचे गिरते हैं और अपने कारण को पूरी तरह से भूल जाते हैं, यदि आप एक जानवर की तरह बन जाते हैं, सिर्फ एक शरीर, तो आप खुश होंगे लेकिन आपको यह नहीं पता होगा। मन के साथ आप इसे जान सकते हैं, लेकिन तब आप खुश नहीं रह सकते क्योंकि मन परेशान हो जाता है। शरीर खुश हो सकता है, लेकिन मन परेशान हो जाता है।There is another possibility which the East has worked out: go beyond. Freud says that if you falldownward and become an animal, you will be happy but you will not know it; if you are in the mind you can know, but you cannot be happy. Eastern search says that if you go beyond mind you will be happy and also aware. That is a third point – of the beyond. So these are three points. Man is in the middle; below is the animal existence. Go to a forest and look at the animals. They may not be aware that they are happy, but you will feel that they are happy. Go to the beach in the morning, or go to a garden in the morning and listen to the singing of the birds. They may not know it, but you will feel they are happy. You have never beensinging like that. Look deep down into their eyes – they are so unclouded and innocent. They are happy, but you are not happy. Fall downward and become a body only – then you will be happy. Or go beyond and become the spirit or become the being, and you will be happy. But in the middle you will be always tense, because mind is really not the end. It is just a rope stretched between two realities: body and soul. So you are just on the rope like a nata, a tightrope walker. A tightrope walker cannot be at ease. Either he must go back or he must go forward, but he must not remain on the rope. He must get down from the rope, and thereare two possibilities: he can go backward, or he can go forward and beyond. Mind is a rope, and to live with the mind is tightrope walking. You are bound to be unbalanced, uneasy; every moment there is anxiety, anguish. The mind’s life is tension. That is why Western psychology succeeds in making you normal, but fails to make you a self-actualized person. But there are new trends, and people are thinking, and the East is now penetrating the West very deeply. Really, that is the East’s way to conquer. The West conquered the East – their way was very gross. The East has its own ways of conquering – very subtle ways, silent ways. Now theEast is penetrating the Western mind deeply. Without any violence, without any visible conflict, the East is penetrating the West very deeply. And sooner or later Western psychology will have to evolve concepts about transcending, about how to transcend the mind. Unwinding can be helpful in both the ways. If you are just trying to create a normal mind, unwinding will be helpful. But then your goal is not transcendence. If your goal is transcendence, then too unwinding can be helpful. All these techniques can be used for ordinary mental peace, and all these techniques can also be used for a real silence which is not ofthe mind. There are two types of silence: one of the mind, in which the mind is silent, and another silence when the mind is no more. The silence when the mind is no more, is altogether different from mental peace. In mental peace the mind is there, only not very mad. The madness is slowed down – that is all. Western psychology must become a metaphysics, only then can man transcend. It must become a philosophy also, and ultimately it must become religion. Only then can man be helped to transcend. 


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